Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Facebook Private Message FAQ

When I created the investor groups on Facebook, I thought it would be a great tool for users to discuss stocks honestly using their real identities, instead of the untrustworthy atmosphere of other message boards where people can hide behind profile handles or multiple profiles. I didn't set them up to be a personal babysitter for people's investments. I was in a good mood today because while FGD tanked, I have had a great streak of luck on day trades and options trades recently, which has enabled me to free up some cash and take advantage of a buying opportunity today. But that good mood was soured a bit when I had to answer a bunch of messages on Facebook. Now that I'm back at my computer I see a whole bunch more. So I'm setting up this FAQ to minimize the amount of personal messages I get. A good day for me will be when I finally get zero personal messages that day.

Q1: Are you still holding PKK, FGD, SCG and PEEK? What about other stocks you've mentioned?

A1: I will start this off by saying I feel insulted when I get questions like this, like I'm some kind of penny flipper after I wrote extensively about these stocks. I have VERY large positions in these four stocks, in that order by dollar value. It would take me multiple days to sell my positions if I wanted to, and I have no reason to at this moment. Like any normal person I do buy and sell to manage cash flow and maybe take advantage of a short term trade, but I'm still going to hold large stakes in these stocks. For instance, I recently had to make some tough choices in order to participate in the SCG private placement. Luckily the winning streak I've had allowed me to buy back some of what I sold already and I'm optimistic that I can get most of it back. But I certainly would not sell everything.

If one day I sell one of these stocks for good I WILL MAKE A STATEMENT THAT I SOLD.

This also greatly irritates me because it comes with the assumption by the sender that I'm on Facebook 24/7 just waiting to answer their messages. I often take more than 24 hours to respond. I do this partially to slow the message flow down because as soon as I send a message I get a response back 10 minutes later and I'm back at square one. Other times I'm just not on Facebook or near a computer in general. Especially during the summer.

New policy: You get ONE chance, of which I will direct you to this FAQ. And if you continue to ask me through private message if I sold out of any of these four stocks, I will block you and remove you from the Facebook groups. This type of question is very annoying and insulting to me, and I don't want to see any more of it.

I'll add this in because I have officially written about these stocks: I still hold a small amount of SJL (sold most of it) and that I sold my DGO and HRE positions (still hold my HRE warrants), partially to fund the aforementioned SCG private placement. All other stocks that I may have talked about buying on the boards but didn't make an official article or target or anything like ITT, RHT, ONC etc. I have sold. I've also stopped posting on that Canadian Traders group because I got too many PM's asking me about this and that trade. I might buy these stocks back in the near future. Nothing against them, I just saw better opportunities. Namely the SCG private placement and if people have seen the performance of SCG since then, they can understand that I made the right move. 

Q2: So how are PKK, FGD, SCG or PEEK going? Do you have any special insight?

A2: Any insight I have I WILL POST ON THE GROUPS OR IN AN ARTICLE. If you have a question about a stock, POST IT ON THE RELEVANT GROUP. So I'm not the only one burdened with answering it.

Q3: Hey, how's it going?
A3: Lousy, because I'm answering Facebook messages like a secretary instead of doing something I enjoy. If you have something important to say get to the point. No more small talk please. No offense don't take it personally. I just get a lot of this and it gets tedious real quick. 

Q4: Do you want to hang out some time?
A4: I've never been asked out on so many man-dates in my life lol. It would be cool if more women were into the stock market. I plan to have a get-together one day in a larger group, but when these stocks are higher. These stock prices aren't acceptable for celebration for me just yet. As far as one-on-one meetups, I can be open to it, just be cognizant of where I live. I'm in the northeast end of the GTA. If you ask me to meet at something like 600 King St West I am going to be very irritated with that location. I didn't leave the workforce because I enjoyed the time it takes me to get downtown.

Unlike questions 1 and 2 I won't be pissed off with things like this. Or business opportunities or random, interesting conversation that leads to something important not like Q3.

Q5: What do you think of x stock? Or have a look at x stock.
A5: A 99% chance I don't know it, or I know the name and a very basic knowledge of it and don't have any good insight to share. Particularly if its a commodity stock. You people JUST saw me try and fail miserably with DGO. I don't know the junior/explorer mining or oil industry. Why are you asking me about these stocks?

Acceptable way to approach me with Q5:
There's this stock with a good balance sheet, strong earnings, good growth and I think is undervalued.
A: Thank you, I'm always looking for more of these types of stocks. I will take a serious look at it.

That's all I can think of for now. I might add more later.

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