Monday, 16 January 2017

KEK Shareholders Can Sleep Well Tonight: Peeks Was Pulled Off The Apple Store By Keek

After a strong start to the day, Keek (KEK.V) ended down 7% as people noticed that the app was no longer available for download on the Apple store and people were fearing the worst - that Apple stopped supporting the app thanks to the amount of nudie shows taking place.

Keek shareholders can sleep well tonight. The app was pulled down by the developer (Keek), per the messages that a fellow shareholder posted in the Keek Facebook Investor Group that I am posting below. Does this mean that the new UI is coming any day now? Possibly. But what it does confirm is that Peeks Social is not in the line of fire from Apple. If anything, I would take a guess that this was a proactive move from the company to ensure that it doesn't become a stench to Apple while it figures out how to hide the porn as adeptly as possible while still protecting freedom of speech and expression for its users.

For those who aren't in the group already, I really recommend that you join so you can stay in the loop with important developments such as this:

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